What’s on in Visibility Scotland in December 2023
Monday 4 December to Friday 8 December
4 December
Glasgow Community Group.
Our weekly group enjoys crafting, making and growing together. The group meets between 10 AM to 12.30 PM at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW. If you’re interested in coming along then call us on 0141 332 4632 or email info@nullvisibilityscotland.org.uk
5 December
Charged up café.
Our weekly drop-in café that runs between 10 AM and 3 PM every Tuesday at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW. Come along and enjoy some free soup with bread and some tasty sweet treats. You can also charge up your electronic devices free of charge. It’s a great way to meet and chat with other visually impaired people and find out more about our services. The café is funded by Glasgow City Council’s Community Fund and is delivered in partnership with Woodlands Community Development Trust.
Talking Tuesdays
A drop-in Zoom session for parent/ caregiver of children with visual impairment. All attendees must have email access to join. The group is limited to 15 participants.
Parents’ Group Session
Visibility Scotland is working with Freedom & Joy Coaches to provide a series of support sessions exclusively for parents and carers of visually impaired young people. The coaches will create a relaxed, safe, confidential space for parents and carers to me et, chat and to form a supportive network for sharing experiences (good and bad!). Each session will last 2 hours . Refreshments will be available .
Switched On!
Our Switched On service is a virtual workshop that takes place on Zoom, a web-based platform, where you can receive advice in a group setting to understand and ‘Switch On’ the accessibility features on your smartphone or tablet devices. The session runs between 2 and 3.30 PM.
6 December
Webinar with Trading Standards
We are delighted to be hosting a Zoom webinar with Stephen Brown from Trading Standards.
7 December
Christmas wreath making
Visibility Scotland and the RSPB are hosting two Christmas wreath making workshops at our head office, 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow, G4 9BW.
The morning session runs from 10 AM to 12 PM.
The afternoon session runs from 1 PM to 3 PM.
if you are interested in attending, please contact us at: info@nullvisibilityscotland.org.uk
8 December
Chair-based movement class.
Our friends at new Rhythms for Glasgow are delivering a fun chair-based movement class at our 2 Queen’s Crescent headquarters. The class runs from 10 AM to 11 AM.
If you are interested in attending, or would like to learn more, then call us on 0141 332 4632 or email us at info@nullvisibilityscotland.org.uk
Monday 11 December to Friday 15 December
11 December
Glasgow Community Group.
Our weekly group enjoys crafting, making and growing together. The group meets between 10 AM to 12.30 PM at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW.
If you’re interested in coming along then call us on 0141 332 4632 or email info@nullvisibilityscotland.org.uk
12 December
Charged up café.
Our weekly drop-in café that runs between 10 AM and 3 PM every Tuesday at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW. Come along and enjoy some free soup with bread and some tasty sweet treats. You can also charge up your electronic devices free of charge. It’s a great way to meet and chat with other visually impaired people and find out more about our services. The café is funded by Glasgow City Council’s Community Fund and is delivered in partnership with Woodlands Community Development Trust.
Please note: this will be the last Charged Up café of 2023. The café will return on Tuesday, 16 January 2024.
Socialising group for 16 to 24 year old
Aarti and Sharon are the Freedom & Joy Coaches . They will lead conversations about the challenges young visually impaired people have with socialising. Each group will provide an opportunity to identify solutions to these challenges in a fun, relaxed setting. These groups will be supportive and offer a unique environment to forge friendships, build confidence and empower the group to share new experiences.
The sessions will take place at Visibility Scotland’s headquarters at 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow, G4 9BW. To register your interest or to find out more please contact Visibility Scotland on 0141 332 4632 or via info@nullvisibilityscotland.org.uk
15 December
Baby Blether.
Our drop-in preschool group for parents and toddlers runs from our head office at 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow, G4 9BW from 10 AM to 12 PM. Come along and meet other parents/ caregivers and children with a visual impairment. An orthoptist (eye specialist) and paediatric patient support worker will be there to provide expert advice and support. We will provide interactive toys for the children and refreshments for everyone. It is a drop-in session, but it is always helpful to know if you plan to join the session.
You can book by email at families@nullvisibilityscotland.org.uk or by phone 0141 332 4632.
Ask the Expert
Nadia Northway, vision consultant and orthoptist, will be on hand to answer your questions round visual impairment as it affects young children up to five years old. There are three slots available. The session will run from 12 PM to 4 PM and is held at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW.
If you are interested in attending, then please call us on 0141 332 4632 to reserve your place or email us at families@nullvisibilityscotland.org.uk
Digital drop-in.
Come along and get face-to-face assistance with your existing devices at our new ‘Digital Drop In’ service on the first and third Friday of each month from 1 PM to 3 PM. These small, group classes are geared towards people who may need additional support in order to join one of our virtual ‘Switched On’ workshops. The drop-in takes place in our Digital Suite at 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW. If you fancy coming along then call us on 0141 332 4632 or email us at info@nullvisibilityscotland.org.uk
20 December
Parents’ Group Session
Visibility Scotland is working with Freedom & Joy Coaches to provide a series of support sessions exclusively for parents and carers of visually impaired young people. The coaches will create a relaxed, safe, confidential space for parents and carers to me et, chat and to form a supportive network for sharing experiences (good and bad!). Each session will last 2 hours . Refreshments will be available .
If you would like to take part in any of the sessions, or to find out more about our services, then give our friendly team a call on:
- Glasgow (head office): 0141 332 4632
- Edinburgh and the Lothians: 0131 378 1874
- Dumfries and Galloway: 01387 267 131
You can also contact us using our Contact Us form: Contact Us
Posted on the: December 4, 2023