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What on in July 2023

Here’s what’s coming up in Visibility Scotland in July 2023:

3 July

  • Glasgow Community Group. Come along to our drop-in session for crafting, making and growing together. The group meets between 10 AM to 12.30 PM at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW.


4 July

  • Charged up café. Our weekly drop-in café that runs between 10 AM and 3 PM every Tuesday at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW. Come along and enjoy some free soup with bread and some tasty sweet treats. You can also charge up your electronic devices free of charge.  It’s a great way to meet and chat with other visually impaired people and find out more about our services.
  • As part of our Charged Up café, the welfare rights team from Deafblind Scotland will be on hand from 10 AM to 1 PM to offer 45-minute welfare rights appointments. There are four appointments available.


5 July

  • Ask the Expert. Nadia Northway, vision consultant and orthoptist, will be on hand to answer your questions round visual impairment as it affects young children up to five years old. There are four slots available. The session will run from 10 AM to 3.30 PM and is held at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW. If you are interested in attending, then please call us on 0141 332 4632 to reserve your place or email us at:


10 July

  • Glasgow Community Group. Come along to our drop-in session for crafting, making and growing together. The group meets between 10 AM to 12.30 PM at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW.


11 July

  • Charged up café. Our weekly drop-in café that runs between 10 AM and 3 PM every Tuesday at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW. Come along and enjoy some free soup with bread and some tasty sweet treats. You can also charge up your electronic devices free of charge.  It’s a great way to meet and chat with other visually impaired people and find out more about our services.
  • As part of our Charged Up café, the welfare rights team from Deafblind Scotland will be on hand from 10 AM to 1 PM to offer 45-minute welfare rights appointments. There are four appointments available.


12 July

  • Ask the Expert. Nadia Northway, vision consultant and orthoptist, will be on hand to answer your questions round visual impairment as it affects young children up to five years old. There are four slots available. The session will run from 10 AM to 3.30 PM and is held at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW. If you are interested in attending, then please call us on 0141 332 4632 to reserve your place or email us at:


14 July

  • Food Heroes. Our friends at Food Heroes are running a practical session at our head office from 10 AM to 12 PM.


17 July

  • Glasgow Community Group. Come along to our drop-in session for crafting, making and growing together. The group meets between 10 AM to 12.30 PM at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW.


18 July

  • Charged up café. Our weekly drop-in café that runs between 10 AM and 3 PM every Tuesday at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW. Come along and enjoy some free soup with bread and some tasty sweet treats. You can also charge up your electronic devices free of charge.  It’s a great way to meet and chat with other visually impaired people and find out more about our services.
  • As part of our Charged Up café, the welfare rights team from Deafblind Scotland will be on hand from 10 AM to 1 PM to offer 45-minute welfare rights appointments. There are four appointments available.


20 July

  • Positive Outlook. Face-to-face session offering advice, emotional support and information for those newly diagnosed with sight loss. The group runs from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM.


24 July

  • Glasgow Community Group. Come along to our drop-in session for crafting, making and growing together. The group meets between 10 AM to 12.30 PM at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW.


25 July

  • Charged up café. Our weekly drop-in café that runs between 10 AM and 3 PM every Tuesday at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW. Come along and enjoy some free soup with bread and some tasty sweet treats. You can also charge up your electronic devices free of charge.  It’s a great way to meet and chat with other visually impaired people and find out more about our services.
  • As part of our Charged Up café, the welfare rights team from Deafblind Scotland will be on hand from 10 AM to 1 PM to offer 45-minute welfare rights appointments. There are four appointments available.


27 July

  • Positive Outlook. Face-to-face session offering advice, emotional support and information for those newly diagnosed with sight loss. The group runs from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM.


31 July

  • Glasgow Community Group. Come along to our drop-in session for crafting, making and growing together. The group meets between 10 AM to 12.30 PM at our head office: 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW.
  • Neurological sight loss face-to-face group. Support for those with neurological sight loss via in-person session at 2 Queen’s Crescent, Glasgow G4 9BW. The group runs from 1 PM to 2 PM.



If you are interested in taking part in any of the sessions, or if if you would like to find out more about our services, then give our friendly team a call on:

  • Glasgow (head office): 0141 332 4632
  • Edinburgh and the Lothians: 0131 378 1874
  • Dumfries and Galloway: 01387 267 131

You can also contact us using our Contact Us form: Contact Us

Image of Paul Hanlon
Written by: Paul Hanlon

Posted on the: July 3, 2023
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