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Our strategy

Our strategy (2022 to 2025)

'You don't need sight to have vision'

Our vision

To work with all organisations in partnership with people with a visual impairment.

To enable a supportive culture and environment which promotes and enables choice, opportunity, equality and independence.


Our mission

Empower people with visual impairment to reach their goals and aspirations.

Break down and challenge discrimination or social stigma barriers to create an accessible and equal Scotland.


Our values

  • Empower by providing skills-based and supportive services.
  • Listen and respond to people living with sight loss.
  • Be innovative and not make do with the status quo.
  • Encourage and influence positive change and cultivate a ‘can-do’ attitude.


Our strategic objectives

  • Provide early intervention and high-quality services combined with accessible resources to people, of all ages, across Scotland.
  • To be innovative, agile and responsive.
  • Provide support to create a better and more robust infrastructure across Scotland for people living with a visual impairment.
  • Ensure that the right service is known, available and accessible at all times.
  • To tackle inequalities faced by people living with a visual impairment and ensure equal access to services.
  • Evidence services through outcome-based research and feedback data.

Services shall be outcome-focused, working with the person using the service with the generic and specific outcomes listed in the service specification in mind.

Services shall be flexible, personal and cognisant of the National Health and Social Care standards to achieve the best outcomes desired by individuals using the services.

Services shall ensure that the principle of equality is adhered to.

Services shall be partnership-focused.

Services shall be outward-looking through providers developing and maintaining links with relevant national specialist organisations and legislative bodies to support the development of the service.


Listen and respond through ‘VI Voices’

VI Voices is our online platform for people with lived experience to sign up to provide their views, opinions and aspirations. When working with visually impaired people, we listen and learn from them, recognise their strengths and support them to build on their unique capabilities and expertise.



Self-management is a process of empowering a person to manage life with long-term conditions. It is not an individual action, a specific treatment or a service; neither can it be delivered by a single organisation.

Self-management is the successful outcome of the person and all appropriate individuals and services working together to support them to deal with the real implications of living the rest of their life with one or more long-term conditions.

Following the ‘Three Conversations’ model. This model guarantees comprehensive service provision and person-centred support at this critical moment:

Conversation 1: Listen and connect: early intervention.

Conversation 2: Work intensively with people in crisis: deliver the right support at the time of diagnosis and continue support to aid navigation through the service pathway.

Conversation 3: Build a good life: rehabilitation (setting and achieving realistic goals), peer support, and employment guidance.


Service focus


Our primary focus is always on people affected by visual impairment and achieving the best outcomes with them.  We aim to co-create services, involving our service users in shaping activities, services, project design and delivery.


A multi-disciplinary approach involves drawing appropriately from multiple disciplines to redefine problems outside of normal boundaries and reach solutions based on a new understanding of complex situations. It is the holistic approach of working as a team within and outside the organisation to ensure the best service for the service user.

Right to rehab

A right to rehab ensures that everyone has access to rehabilitation when needed and no one is excluded.

Shape and strengthen referral pathways

The current referral pathway for visual impairment across Scotland is inconsistent. Visibility Scotland will be integral in shaping and ensuring the pathways are aligned and connected with positive outcomes for all.


Outcomes for Visibility Scotland service users:

  • People with visual impairment are better able to take part in decisions and make informed choices about their care and support.
  • People with visual impairment will develop resilience and independence skills and can apply these to everyday life.
  • People with visual impairment will receive services delivered by qualified, trained staff that address their specific needs.
  • People with visual impairment will fulfil their potential and can participate fully in society.
  • People with visual impairment can live as independently as they choose.
  • Carers of people with visual impairment will feel supported to maintain their caring relationship and sustain their caring role.


Outcomes for organisations who engage with Visibility Scotland:

  • Organisations will work co-productively to reduce barriers for visually impaired people from participating in their services, e.g. providing accessible information.
  • Organisations will have more confidence, awareness and understanding of disability and sensory loss and their duty of care.
  • Visually impaired people will access a broader and more diverse range of services which meet their needs.

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