Announcement by our Board of Trustees
Visibility Scotland’s chief executive, Louise Hunter, will be leaving her role at the end of November this year
September 24, 2020

Benefit Take Up Fund
Funded by the Scottish Government, work is progressing on an exciting project aimed at ensuring people living with a sensory
September 17, 2020

John Lewis Community Fund Win for Visibility Scotland!
We all know and love John Lewis & Partners and for some their Christmas advert even signals the start of
September 17, 2020

Thank You to The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire!
We were delighted to meet (socially distanced!) with Mr James Forrest from The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire last week.
September 16, 2020

You don’t need sight to have vision
On Friday 22 November, we celebrated our 160th Anniversary at The Lighthouse in Glasgow. Our Celebration Event a showcased our
December 12, 2019

The Times, They Are A Changing
Charlotte, one of our Sensory Inspirers in Dumfries & Galloway, tells us about the changing face of accessible timepieces.
November 14, 2019

Funding Windfall for Sight and Hearing Impaired People in Wigtownshire
People living with sight and hearing loss in Wigtownshire have welcomed the news that a local charity has received a £10,000 funding boost.
November 14, 2019

Services for People with Visual Impairments
People living with a visual impairment across Lanarkshire will benefit from new localised community-based services
November 8, 2019

Visibility Summer Newsletter 2019
Our Summer newsletter has arrived! We hope you enjoy reading it by clicking here to read the PDF version.
November 8, 2019

Why Not? Why Not!
One of our Dumfries & Galloway volunteers returns to tell us what really makes her 'beelin''.
May 8, 2019