Announcing our new Chief Executive Officer
The Board of Trustees at Visibility Scotland is delighted to announce the appointment of Laura Walker as our new Chief Executive Officer.
February 8, 2021

New PhD Studentship opportunity at Glasgow Caledonian University
*Please note applications for this opportunity have now closed* There is a new PhD studentship opportunity now available, based
February 5, 2021

Thank you very much to The Glenearn Golf Club @ Gleneagles
Thank you very much to the Glenearn Golf Club @ Gleneagles for their charity donation of £1,000 to Visibility Scotland.
January 27, 2021

Shine on Access Training, January and February Dates Announced!
We are delighted to announce our January and February Shine on Access Virtual Training Dates. Please check out our Groups
January 20, 2021

#ScotlandsVirtualKiltwalk 2021
Start 2021 in a positive way and sign up for #ScotlandsVirtualKiltwalk. Registration is now open for the event and can
January 15, 2021

Thank you, thank you, thank you to our Fundraising Superstars!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Sarah, husband Andy and friend Steven completed their Three Peak Challenge. Everest, K2 and
January 14, 2021

Funding Boost for Visibility Scotland!
Visibility Scotland is delighted to announce three year funding from The National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF) to enable us to
December 17, 2020

Children and Families Webinar 18th December 2020
On Friday the 18th of December we are holding a webinar for parents, carers and young people to provide more
November 30, 2020

Support Visibility Scotland whilst shopping on Amazon!
Did you know you can raise money for Visibility Scotland just by shopping on SmileAmazon? We haven’t been able to
November 25, 2020

Announcement by our Board of Trustees
Visibility Scotland’s chief executive, Louise Hunter, will be leaving her role at the end of November this year
September 24, 2020

Benefit Take Up Fund
Funded by the Scottish Government, work is progressing on an exciting project aimed at ensuring people living with a sensory
September 17, 2020

John Lewis Community Fund Win for Visibility Scotland!
We all know and love John Lewis & Partners and for some their Christmas advert even signals the start of
September 17, 2020

Thank You to The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire!
We were delighted to meet (socially distanced!) with Mr James Forrest from The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire last week.
September 16, 2020

You don’t need sight to have vision
On Friday 22 November, we celebrated our 160th Anniversary at The Lighthouse in Glasgow. Our Celebration Event a showcased our
December 12, 2019

The Times, They Are A Changing
Charlotte, one of our Sensory Inspirers in Dumfries & Galloway, tells us about the changing face of accessible timepieces.
November 14, 2019